Saturday, January 13, 2007

Circa at Schwartz bakery

A few months ago Schwartz’s moved from their old, cramped, dump of a location to a beautifully renovated space that used to house the center portion of Kotlar’s and later Kol Tuv markets. They placed the bakery along one side of the space with nice modern showcases and have set up a “Circa” on the other side. For those who don’t know, “Circa NY” is a fast-food place in New York that specializes in healthy lunch fare such as the make-your-own-salad concept and soups. They also do customized personal pizzas and gourmet sandwiches. The Hecht brothers figured the concept works in New York so why not LA. My initial thought is that they have a major hit on their hands although it needs some work. I’ve been there twice and the salad concept, while amazingly simple, is fantastic. They charge $5.75 for a bowl of lettuce (romaine or mixed greens) that includes 3 additions from a vast array of vegis and proteins. For 50 cents more you can keep adding things - and trust me you will add things - and you end up with a delicious albeit pricey salad made to your exact specs. What makes this concept so good (and hard to knock off I think) is the dressings that they offer. All 9 choices are delicious. The only thing lacking on the dressing side was a low-fat choice and I assume that they’ll remedy that. I particularly like their balsamic and creamy garlic selections. Their soups are somewhat unoriginal and not as good as the ones from the bagel factory but they are very good. I ordered the onion but they also had vegetable, mushroom barley and a few others. The onion soup was too peppery the second time I had it and they put Parmesan cheese in instead of mozzarella (gruyere is not easily found chalav yisroel). This is BAD and I hope they change it. I get that it’s cheaper but ground Parmesan does not belong in my onion soup.
They are set to expand to a full menu that will include omelets, pancakes, pizzas, etc. I’m a bit fearful that this will seriously drag down their service, which is not silky smooth to begin with but at least guys will be able to eat there without having to check their manhood. In closing I have a few recommendations for the Hecht brothers who have been very open to suggestions from their clientele.
1) As mentioned, stop putting Parmesan cheese in the onion soup, step up anduse mozzarella 2) Include a roll, bagel, olive stick or some sort of bread item along witha soup. The bagel factory does this and you should too, g-d knows you should be able to get them at a decent price :) 3) Make a buy-up to include a small soup with your salad kind of like acombo deal at a burger joint. I am not satisfied with only a salad but I don’t necessarily want a large soup to go with it. Get the small sized cup (again check the bagel factory) and offer it for an extra few bucks. 4) Stay humble and don’t take things personally. I had a friend that opened a bakery café a while back who would take any criticism of the restaurant as a personal attack. You’re new at this so you’re going to screw up but that’ s all part of the business and most of us want you to succeed.
If the last one sounds a bit personal, it is. The Hechts are young guys in our community and I hope this experiment works out. I think it will, being that all our wives will be eating there all the time and their very successful bakery already covers a good portion of the overhead. We’ll do improvement suggestions for Schwartz’s bakery another time.


Anonymous said...


I would like to first say that a food critic at the end of their critique should always have some sort of rating system (which you do not have) Second, I would like to answer some of your points that were made in your quote on quote blog. The parmesan cheese was requested by you and is not included in the recipe for the french onion soup. Our intent is to make customers happy and putting parmesan or mozarella cheese would not affect our botom line. Second, our service does not need improvement, but honestly how long did you wait for your meal? As a new establishment and with two businesses located under one roof there are certain issues that overlap that we need to address. No food establishment in this city has two businesses under one roof. With the wide variety of bakery goods and a large menu on the cafe side, our service needs to improve to cater efficiently to these two concepts. Thirdly, every soup comes with slices of ciabatta bread which we have not starting making yet, but will do so after the new year. Fourthly, all of the ingredients used by Schwartz Circa are strictly chalav israel and adhere to the strictest kashruth standings. I don't know if you can confidently say about Bagel Factory. I am personally do not eat at Bagel Factory because I do not trust their kashruth. As you know chalav israel products are not always as good to use in food as non-chalav israel. Fifthly, we chose the Circa concept because it works and it is very successful. It would not be a good business move on our part to add a soup with a salad and deviate frokm their success. Sixthly, we do have a low-fat dressing.

Finally, I would like to thank Danny for taking the time to requent my food establishment and critique for all of you to see. I want all of you to understand we are not a fast food restaurant, but rather we are an upscale cafe. Also, we are adding products slowly to menu to prevent a service disaster from happening. The last thing we want to do is fall on our face and not be able to properly service the customers coming to our food estabishment. What I will tell you is as follows, we are working extremely hard to elevate our bakery products and make sure that all of products are fresh and taste delicious. As far as Circa is concerned we will also maintain the highest level of freshness and try our best to make any customers experience in our establishment a successful one. I did speak to the chef regarding the pepper in the french onion soup. I do not take anyhting personal, in fact I encourage the truth and would like to hear the truth about your experiences at Circa, as well as the taste of the food. MY CUSTOMERS CONTRIBUTE TO MY SUCCESS. YOUR INPUT IS VITAL TO THE SUCCESS OF MY RESTAURANT. PLEASE DO NOT SHYAWAY FROM RELAYING YOUR OPINIONS.

Best Regards,

Mark Hecht
Schwartz Bakery

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I dont know much about food critiques but shouldnt there be at least a one month grace period before reviewing a restaurant. Danny went a few days after it opened. Not very professional to review a place before giving them a chance to work things out and to develop their restuarant.
Maybe you should wait a few months before sending in a review or at least tell us that you couldnt wait and went only days after it opened.

Anonymous said...

How about leaving your name for starters? I wasn't there the week it opened; I was there a few times spread out over the first month and gave very positive thoughts and some constructive points as well. I really like this place. They have the best salads around and their soups are great (I had a broccoli soup the other day that was FANTASTIC!). I don't get why it's a problem for me to mention that I should get some bread with my soup. I like bread with my soup even if it’s the first day they open.

Kosher Food Critic said...

Okay, you all can see Mark's response to my original review, let me respond and hopefully we'll get some good commentary.

1) putting stars next to a restaurant rating is dumb as far as I'm concerned. I'm just trying to be informative and helpful and encourage some dialogue. It certainly wouldn't be fair to put stars when you're only half open but if you like, Mark I give you 5 stars!
2) I ordered onion soup twice, neither time did I request any cheese. The first time I got it I didn't even realize there was cheese until I got to the bottom and saw some melted shredded cheese, which I was happy with. The next time I ordered it (both times to go), I watched the woman spoon in parmesan cheese and sprinkle some parsley on top. This second time I was eating the take out onion soup with a friend who also got the onion soup and he was very unhappy with the parmesan as well. If it won't affect the bottom line, I recommend offering people real cheese for their soup, that's it.
3) You say that your service does not need improvement but then you say that you have issues that need to be addressed. I didn't bash the service just voiced a concern (which will hopefully not happen) that things might get much slower once you significantly expand the menu. As much as I'm looking forward to your pancakes and omelets, there is a part of me that thinks you should keep it where it is, salads, soups and sandwiches.
4) If you haven't started making ciabatta bread, give me something else with my soup. This seems pretty reasonable and you seem to agree with it so why not substitute with something you are already making?
5) The soups at bagel factory are all pareve so the chalav yisrael wouldn't affect this discussion. Even if you won't eat there it would not hurt you to go by and see their operation and the cup sizes they have.
6) Of course, you have your business model, I was offering a suggestion from my point of view. I do disagree with your point about deviating from Circa's model. You are not Circa NY and will never be Circa NY. You will never have the volume or the personnel to handle their volume. You are taking their model and adapting it to your market and clientele hence you will do some things different. I don't see your sushi bar or your pastas, etc. This is okay b/c what you doing is awesome already. My combo suggestion is something that might work.
7) Sorry, I didn't realize you had low-fat, which one is it? I asked for the names of all 9 dressings and none were called "low-fat ______" I was sure this is something that you would have if you didn't already. In future, with the number of people out there trying to lose weight, this would be a good thing to point out and please point out to your guy that oil and balsamic vinegar or oil and lemon juice is NOT low fat.
8) I think easing into the menu was very smart and I thought my review reflected this. I do feel a bit feminine ordering my salad along with the rest of the frummie women but personally, I'm hooked.

See you lunch time.


Anonymous said...

The food at Circa was great - the service and system was awful. You order your food one place and then have to go the end of the other line to pay and that person is also making coffee. Really confusing!!!

The service is very slow on top of everything else and what's with no re-fills on coffee??????

Anonymous said...

Had some soups and really liked them, would have liked some bread but I guess at 2 on a friday you get what you get. Have yet to try the salad or the sandwiches but soon enough. Have to say thought they do need to get things up to speed and moving along faster. Although to be fair to the brothers it was Friday at 2